SmallWorld Terminology

Definitions important to understanding the SmallWorld platform

Cameron Olechowski

Last Update a year ago

Account Administrator(s): Individual(s) responsible for managing, tracking, and administering SmallWorld. Can be sales operations, field marketing, sales leadership, marketing leadership, sales enablement, etc.

Requester: The AE, SDR, Field Marketing rep, etc. who is seeking a warm introduction to a Target Prospect

Connector: The person (senior executive, advisor, board member, partner, customer, etc.) who makes the warm introduction to the Target Prospect

Target Prospect: The specific person (name, title, company) that the Requester seeks to be introduced to for a new or active sales cycle

Introduction Request: What a Requester submits when seeking to meet a Target Prospect. This includes the name, title, and company of the Target Prospect as well as specific context and strong reasons behind the request for the Connector to use as part of their decision to accept and for detail in making the introduction.

Bulletin Board Request: An introduction request that is not made to a specific Connector, but rather, one that is visible to all Connectors who might be able to help make the warm introduction. Email notifications will be sent to relevant Connectors (using location, title, and other factors) alerting them to Open Requests to maximize the success rate.

Suggested Introduction: A proactive suggestion of an introduction to a Target Prospect from a Connector they believe could be valuable to the sales team. Connectors will have visibility into the target companies, ideal customer profile, and target roles so they can be ready to suggest an introduction when there is alignment with someone in their network and a target for the sales & marketing team.

“Requested” Introduction Request: An Introduction Request has been made by the Requester but the Connector has not yet accepted or declined the request

“In Progress” Introduction Request: An Introduction Request has been made by the Requestor and Connector has accepted, but the introduction has not yet been made to the Target Prospect

“Completed” Introduction Request: An introduction has been successfully made for the Requester by a Connector to the Target prospect.