Super Connectors


Below are frequently asked questions about SmallWorld Super Connectors. If your question is not covered here, please reach out to [email protected] and we will respond promptly!

What’s the difference between a “mutual connection” on LinkedIn and a “trusted relationship” in SmallWorld?

A trusted relationship in SmallWorld requires a user-verified “strong” relationship as part of the matching process. This ensures a true “network of integrity” where there is no guesswork as to whether a 2nd-degree (or shared) relationship is a reliable way to ensure indirect trust.

It also creates a natural ice-breaker for any introduction and an effective way to back-channel the person making the request. This creates true “small world” moments for our users.

Finally, SmallWorld gives instant visibility into who these 2nd-degree relationships know at your target companies, helping to expand your network well beyond what you would see through “mutual connections,” all bound through the power of trust.


Is there a cost to joining Super Connectors?

No. Initial access to Super Connectors is free once you have rated the minimum number (currently 100) of relationships. You can register and unlock access to the network using this link.

Can I invite people in my network to join SmallWorld?

Yes! We encourage all Super Connectors to invite their network as it will strengthen the network of relationships and opportunities for you and other Super Connectors. You can invite friends to join SmallWorld (link to join) and once they are in the system, you’ll see them surface as Super Connectors since they are 1st-degree relationships.  

What if my company already uses SmallWorld Enterprise?

We are currently working on an enterprise version of Super Connectors and will soon have an update regarding when you can gain access to the network through your current subscription.  

Why does rating more relationships help my chances of getting a warm intro?

As you rate more relationships, our system finds new “matches” with your target prospects and other users of the network. As new users join SmallWorld and rate their relationships, it will continue to create new matches and update you when you have new “relationship leads” in your target accounts.

Who gets added to my Super Connector Network?

Your Super Connector network will consist of any other Super Connectors with whom you share a trusted relationship.

For example, Jane rates her relationship with Bob as "Strong" on SmallWorld. Melissa also rates her relationship with Bob as "Strong." Because of their mutual “Strong” relationship with Bob, they are visible to one another as Super Connectors in SmallWorld.

It will also include any of your 1st-degree relationships from LinkedIn who join SmallWorld.  

What’s the incentive for making a warm introduction for someone?

Should you fulfill an introduction request for another Super Connector, this person will automatically be added to your network and the strength of their relationships will immediately be visible to you in SmallWorld. As a result, they are more accessible for you to enlist for a reciprocal introduction to one of your target prospects.

You’ll also be accruing credibility within the community as we showcase the top connectors and give other members a reason to proactively help make intros on your behalf.

Stay tuned for more tangible ways to recognize or gift fellow Super Connectors for successful introductions in the coming weeks.

How can I keep my anonymity if I don’t want other members to see my network and the strength of my relationships?

You are always anonymous to other users as a “Super Connector” until you select “yes” to an introduction request or until you make an introduction request to a fellow Super Connector.

How do you use my data?

Your data is only used to create effective matches in SmallWorld. The data is never shared with anyone and you are anonymous until you make an introduction request or accept an introduction request.

SmallWorld is SOC2 Type II compliant and takes measures to ensure our users have complete control over their data as part of their registration.

How can I make sure that competitors are not seeing my requests and I’m not receiving theirs?

During registration (and in settings after registration), you’ll be able to select those companies that you deem as competitors, so they will never see you as a Super Connector and vice versa.

What if I no longer want to be a part of Super Connectors?

Simply send a request to [email protected] and we will terminate your account.

What controls are in place to incentivize a member to also make introductions vs. just requesting introductions from the system?

We will be monitoring activity to ensure that participants balance their efforts between requesting introductions and making introductions where they see fit. You will also see a tally of requested vs. accepted intro requests which will influence access and opportunity as the network grows.

What if I don’t feel comfortable accepting an introduction request?

You simply click “no” in the email notification or under “My Introductions” on the platform. We encourage all Super Connectors to share why they declined in the messages section so the requester can have more context and adjust for future requests.

What is a “relationship lead”?

A relationship lead is any relationship in the SmallWorld network that is rated “strong” or “very strong” with one of your target prospects (defined by a target company).

Is there a way for my company to use SmallWorld and have visibility into relationship strength data from executives, partners, board members, customers, and others within the ecosystem of our business?

Yes, SmallWorld Enterprise is being used by companies like Cloudflare, Cordial, and ThreeFlow to unlock trust at scale within their company. Email [email protected] to learn more about our enterprise solutions.

What if I never hear back after making an introduction request?

As soon as you make the request, a messaging thread is enabled in SmallWorld so you and your fellow Super Connector can communicate about the status of the introduction. If you do not hear back, you can follow up with them directly there.

What if I want to reciprocate to a fellow member who has made an introduction for me?

You can message that member to let them know where you might be able to help them. Also, your relationships and name will be visible to them so it’s likely they will choose you for a future introduction request where there is a match.

How can I track how many intros I’ve made vs. how many I’ve requested?

You can see the statistics of your activity in the right margin on the Super Connector dashboard.