What is a Super Connector?

Scott Berry

Last Update 7 months ago

SmallWorld has always been focused on giving our enterprise customers the ability to invite Connectors who are typically within the ecosystem of their business (execs, advisors, investors, customers, partners, colleagues, etc.). These are people who already have a connection to the company and are naturally motivated to make warm introductions to help the business grow. This approach has worked extremely well with conversion rates north of 70% on introduction requests when relationships are rated by them as “strong” or “very strong”. As a result, we have expanded the number of paths into target prospects with Connectors that are external to the business. 

Super Connectors are SmallWorld users external to the business that have agreed to open up their networks to other users and receive reciprocal introductions. In order to make a request of a Super Connector, you will have to join the program and become one yourself.

As with regular Connectors, Super Connectors always have the ability to choose to accept/decline a request. In addition, the identity of Super Connectors is hidden until they have agreed to make an introduction request.

Note: Making the Super Connector network visible is configured at a company account level. If you are unable to see Super Connector connections, reach out to your account admin or SmallWorld.