Using the Connector Dashboard

Connector FAQ

Cameron Olechowski

Last Update לפני שנה

The Connector Dashboard is composed of two tabs: the Companies & People tab.

Companies Tab

The Companies tab is a consolidated list of all of the companies that Account Admins and Requesters have indicated they are trying to engage with (referred to as Target Companies). The primary functionality of the Companies tab is the ability to Offer Help (otherwise known as suggesting an introduction) on a company. When you first visit the tab, SmallWorld automatically sorts the companies based on where you may be able to help, using your work history, relationship overlap, proximity to headquarters, etc.

You can offer help with any Target Company in two clicks and have the option of adding additional context:

If you have uploaded your relationships, you will see the number of relationships you have at each company. Next to your relationship count, you will be presented with a link labeled "Rate these relationships", where you can view, rate the strength of, and offer help with an introduction to the people at a given company.

If you do not have relationships at a company or you have not uploaded any relationships, you will be presented with a link inviting you to "Sync your contacts".

On the lower righthand side of the card, you will see two icons: the LinkedIn icon and the Hide icon. Clicking the LinkedIn icon will take you to a LinkedIn page where you can easily access and see detail on the Target Company. The Hide icon allows you to hide companies that you do not want to appear on the Dashboard. You can easily show any companies you have hidden by scrolling to the bottom of the page and toggling to "Show Hidden Companies".

People Tab

The People tab highlights Target Profiles from your network, which are "bullseye" opportunities for the sales team. Target Profiles are contacts at a Target Company, that work in the appropriate buying center(s) and/or at the right level(s) in the organization (as defined by the Account Admin). Most Connectors will have 5-50 Target Profiles depending on the size of their network and will rate the relationship and/or Offer Help on each person. SmallWorld does not expect you to rate everyone in your network.

Note: You may see more than 5-50 people on the tab but keep an eye out for when the Target Profile icon stops appearing.

If you haven't added your relationships, you'll be prompted to do so from the page and presented with people you may know based on SmallWorld's AI.

If you have any more questions about the Connector Dashboard, you can reach us at [email protected]