How do I request Relationship Strength?

Scott Berry

Last Update 10 maanden geleden

If Relationship Strength is unknown, it is recommended that you request it before proceeding with an introduction. Knowing the strength of a relationship will allow you understand if an introduction is warranted and to customize your messaging. Connectors can provide strength with one click and the process replaces the "How well do you know this person?" message.

There are 2 main places to request strength in SmallWorld: 

1) The results under Prospects --> Search Prospects

2) The matches under Prospects --> Discover Prospects 

From either place, you have the option of requesting the strength from on an individual Connector or requesting from all. To request from all, select the option in the bottom left of the card. You can mouse over the Connector roles ("Advisor" in the below) to see additional information about who will recieve the strength requests.

To request strength from an individual Connector, click View Details on the right hand side of the card:

Click Request Strength next to any Connector where it is unkown. It is recommended to request strength from multiple or all Connectors so you can maximize your chances of uncovering a strong+ relationship.

When the strength is provided, you will be notified via email with a link back to the page, if you would like to proceed with an introduction request. You may also recieve a new Relationship Lead, if you reveal a strong+ relationship at one of your Target Companies.